  • 北京長期租車
  • 北京大巴租賃
  • 北京班車租賃
  • 大客車出租
  • 中巴車租賃
  • 商務(wù)車出租
  • 旅游巴士租賃
  • 北京短期包車
  • 北京汽車租賃
  • 考斯特中巴出租
  • 旅游租車
  • 汽車租賃公司
  • 北京旅游包車
  • 新款奧迪
  • 婚慶租車
  • 通勤班車租賃


2014-04-01 06:15:21  瀏覽次數(shù):11430
Our company provides transport services, such as organizers transport, special cars for super stars and so on, for all kinds of large scale culture & sports activities, which are held in or around Beijing. We have offered our service for CCTV ‘The Same Song ‘ Concert, and other activities.

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